Fishing Clash

Fishing Clash

Simulation Games



Additional Information

  • Platform:

  • Developer:

    Ten Square Games

  • Size:

    147.85 MB

  • Updated Date:

    May 8, 2023

  • Version:


  • Platform:

  • Developer:

    Ten Square Games

  • Size:

    501.8 MB

  • Updated Date:

    May 8, 2023

  • Version:


This mobile game and application has been security checked and does not contain viruses or malware.



If you consider yourself an avid angler, you already know about Fishing Clash. This fishing simulation mobile game is well-known in the angler community as it provides an exceptional realistic gaming experience. Yes, the graphics are stunning and the multiple virtual fishing spots will blow your mind, however, the most attractive addition to this multiplayer game is the thrilling challenges and events that the players can take part in.

In the Player Vs Player gaming mode, players can get competitive and enjoy all the guts and glory of fishing. From creating and joining a clan to completing your collection, this unique mobile game truly adds many different game elements to keep things interesting.

Interested to conquer the virtual world tournament that this game has to offer?

If your answer to any one of these questions is a “Yes”, you are in the right place. Next up are some must-know tips, tricks, and strategies that can help any player looking for a way to elevate their gaming experience in this competitive fishing simulation game.

1. Consider upgradation

Stars are used for measuring a player’s ultimate collection. If you want to complete one, you need to get all the stars that are associated with the specific fishery. So, do not make the mistake of going for one fish that belongs to one particular species. Many players think that catching a fish from all the species that are made available to them will be enough, however, top players will tell you otherwise.

The star associated with a particular fish will base on that fish’s size in comparison to similar fish. Upgrading plays a major role as it is one of the easiest ways to break the cycle of catching fishes that are of 1-3 Star only. Most players struggle with this, but if you strategize your gameplay to upgrade your lures and fishing rod as soon as possible, you can effectively improve your score and move past this “stuck phase” that all players deal with in Fishing Clash.

Pro Tip: Do consider using power-ups and utilizing all perks that this game has provided to score big.

2. Consider joining a clan

No special feature will be added to your gameplay if you join a clan. However, if you want to advance quicker in this game, consider joining a clan immediately. Here is how you can join a clan in this game:

* Find the Clan tab on your game screen

* Tap on this to open the list showing the clans you can join

* Take your time to check which clan is better and more active and then join the chosen clan by tapping on the designated tab

One of the best advantages of joining a clan is the Clan Match seasons. During this, it will be clan vs clan - a whole new gaming experience. So, your clan will be competing with other clans. This is where being active in this game will come in handy for you. If you remain consistent in catching fishes, your chances of winning in the league of your clan will increase. Winning depends on all clan members’ activity levels. There are many advantages of winning the Clan matches including high-grade rods and power-up packs. Thus, do join an active clclan.

3.Consider accomplishing achievements

The game has set up a couple of tasks for you. If you can complete them, you will be able to complete the achievements. Compete for the achievements as quickly as possible to earn extra rewards. Some of the tasks to complete a specific achievement are quite easy. In fact, you will see that some tasks are getting completed with your usual gaming session without any strategy in place. However, there are some tasks that require a bit more effort. So, do consider going through the achievement page to check which achievements will help you to top the leaderboard. So, do use the information to strategize your gameplay.

There you have it; these were some simple yet effective tips and tricks that can help you to master the trilling and super-fun Fishing Clash. But before you go ahead and try them out, you should know that conquering the game control is a must. If you do not master the controls, getting the desired result in this competitive game will become “Mission Impossible” for sure. So, practice daily, understand the game premises well, and incorporate these Fishing Clash tips to advance in the leaderboard quickly and smoothly.
