Pocket City

Pocket City

Simulation Games



Additional Information

  • Platform:

  • Developer:

    Codebrew Games

  • Size:

    29.36 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Mar 21, 2023

  • Version:


  • Platform:

  • Developer:

    Codebrew Games

  • Size:

    67.3 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Nov 12, 2022

  • Version:


This mobile game and application has been security checked and does not contain viruses or malware.



If your thing is getting lost in a fuss-free city-building game, Pocket City deserves a place in your smart device. Without the complexity associated with most city-building strategy games, this simple yet never-boring mobile game comes with many different game elements that let you do more with the gameplay than just looking after the 3 zones of the game (Industrial, Commercial, and Residential).

Pocket City has become a crowd-favorite and players are always seen boasting about their growing city. If you are looking for a way to start the game on the right foot or want your city to grow faster than your friends, keep reading to find out some must-know tips and tricks that actually work!

1. Getting familiar with the Sandbox mode

The first issue you might face after start the game has to be the 2nd gaming mode/option provided to all players in the Intro menu. In the 2nd gaming mode, Sandbox mode, everything is fast-paced. The 3 major welcomed differences in Sandbox mode from the regular game mode are the following:

* No wait time for the construction to get completed

* Unlimited amount of money to grow your city without a hassle

* Free to set up your choice of terrain (water, soil, and grass for example) in whichever way you want to and that too without any wait time

Most beginners, because of these above advantages, choose the Sandbox mode. However, this mode is best suited for intermediate and advanced Pocket City players. So, avoid this mode as a beginner. Once you are familiar with the game's premises and mechanics well, then only consider this fun and thrilling Sandbox mode to ensure the gameplay does not get overwhelming.

2. Building a hospital when made available

Things will become a bit difficult for a beginner after reaching the dreadful level 13. The first thing that you will notice is that your "Happiness" level is going down drastically. This is a big concern for most beginners as they do not know that there is a simple way to tackle this problem - Invest in a Hospital.

While playing you will discover the importance of certain buildings. In the initial stages (around Level 10), consider building a Fire Department and a Police Station. These buildings will ensure your game stats and progress are optimal. However, to enjoy the advantages these buildings can provide, you have to strategically place them so that everyone in your made-up virtual city can get proper/easy access to these two buildings. You are free from this concern when building a Hospital in Pocket City. Just place hospitals in places you see fit as per your city design.

When you see that your Happiness level is decreasing or your population level is increasing, build multiple hospitals as soon as the game allows you to. Hospitals ensure your Health stat is always up and your progress is unaffected by the increasing city's population. It will also ensure your Happiness level is ideal.

3. Avoiding heavy traffic always

Staying on the topic of the "Happiness" Level in Pocket City, the recreational buildings and environment you design in the game are going to affect this crucial game stat as well. So, pay attention and design accordingly. You have to ensure your design does not end up creating traffic congestion in the city you are building as heavy traffic leads to decreased Happiness level.

If you see that your city is dealing with traffic jams more than usual and hurting your Happiness stat, build new roads for managing the traffic effectively. You can go for basic roads and Highways to reduce traffic congestion and maintain an optimal Happiness level.

Pro Tip: Water cannot be distributed via the Highways. Hence, consider building a separate zone on the side of the Highway to ensure water flow in your city is optimal for proper and quick growth.

Now you have come to the final paragraph of this guide for Pocket City tips and tricks. So, before concluding it is necessary to point out that this game has simple premises and mechanics and you should invest your game time well to get well-familiar with them. If you do not master the game controls as quickly as possible, using these above-mentioned tips and tricks to enjoy the advantages will become a challenging process. So, your first approach to Pocket City should be getting the hang of the game. And once this is done, advancing quickly or growing your city more effectively with the tips will become a cakewalk for sure!
