State of Survival: Zombie War

State of Survival: Zombie War

RPG Games



Additional Information

  • Platform:

  • Developer:

    FunPlus International AG

  • Size:

    142 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Jan 15, 2024

  • Version:


  • Platform:

  • Developer:

    FunPlus International AG

  • Size:

    281.3 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Jan 17, 2024

  • Version:


This mobile game and application has been security checked and does not contain viruses or malware.



State of Survival: Zombie War is a captivating mobile strategy game that immerses players in a post-apocalyptic world infested with hordes of zombies. As survivors, players must navigate the challenges of building and managing their own settlements, recruiting and training a diverse group of heroes, and fending off relentless zombie attacks. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the game's intricate mechanics, providing strategic insights and essential tips to enhance your gameplay experience.

Central to your survival in State of Survival is the development of a robust and efficient base. Begin by prioritizing the construction of resource buildings such as farms, oil wells, and iron mines. Upgrade these structures regularly to ensure a steady influx of essential resources. Establish a balance between resource production and storage capacity to avoid shortages during critical moments.

Moreover, invest in building and upgrading your headquarters to unlock advanced technologies and facilities. The Research Center, Vehicle Factory, and Training Camp are pivotal structures that enhance your overall capabilities. Allocate resources wisely, and always plan ahead to maximize the efficiency of your base.

Heroes play a pivotal role in your survival strategy. Acquire a diverse set of heroes with unique skills, and strategically deploy them to lead your troops. Each hero has a specialized role, such as combat, resource gathering, or healing. Upgrade their skills and equipment to unleash their full potential on the battlefield.

Focus on developing a cohesive team of heroes by considering their strengths and weaknesses. Form alliances with other players to benefit from shared hero bonuses and reinforcements during challenging encounters. Your choice of leadership can greatly impact your success in both offensive and defensive scenarios.

A well-trained and strategically composed army is crucial for success in State of Survival. Train a variety of troop types, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Experiment with different combinations to create a versatile and formidable force. Keep in mind that certain troops may be more effective against specific zombie types, so adapt your composition accordingly.

Regularly upgrade your barracks and research military technologies to unlock advanced troop types and upgrades. Pay attention to the attributes of each troop and understand their roles in different combat scenarios. Versatility is key, so maintain a balanced army capable of handling various challenges.

Joining or creating an alliance is a game-changing aspect of State of Survival. Alliances provide numerous benefits, including protection, resource assistance, and coordinated attacks. Actively participate in alliance activities, such as rallies and sieges, to strengthen your bonds with fellow survivors.

Coordinate with alliance members to share strategies, support each other during battles, and collectively face the challenges of the zombie-infested world. Communication is vital, so use in-game chat features and external communication platforms to stay organized and maintain a united front against the undead.

Efficient resource management is a cornerstone of successful gameplay. Regularly send troops to gather resources from the world map, paying attention to resource node levels and potential threats. Utilize gathering heroes to increase resource collection efficiency, and upgrade their skills to maximize yields.

Strategically choose resource nodes based on your current needs and the level of risk involved. Joining resource tiles with alliance members can enhance protection and increase collection speed. Plan your resource gathering expeditions carefully, considering factors such as travel time, potential zombie encounters, and the availability of reinforcements.

The game world in State of Survival is vast and filled with opportunities and challenges. Explore the map systematically to uncover valuable resources, hidden treasures, and strategic locations. Keep an eye out for resource nodes, infected cities, and points of interest that can contribute to your overall progress.

Occasionally, engage in battles with infected cities to earn rewards and experience. Plan your exploration routes efficiently, and use exploration as a means to expand your territory and gain a competitive edge over other survivors.

Participating in events and challenges is a great way to earn valuable rewards and accelerate your progression. Stay informed about ongoing and upcoming events, and actively engage in activities that align with your strategic goals. Events often provide opportunities to obtain rare items, heroes, and resources.

Coordinate with alliance members to maximize your performance in alliance-based events. Prioritize events that offer substantial rewards and contribute to the overall growth of your settlement. Regularly check the event calendar and plan your gameplay around upcoming opportunities.

Defending your settlement against zombie attacks and potential player invasions is a critical aspect of State of Survival. Invest in defensive structures such as walls, traps, and watchtowers to deter attackers and minimize losses. Upgrade these structures regularly to enhance their effectiveness.

Strategically position your troops and heroes within your settlement to create layers of defense. Experiment with different defensive formations and adapt them based on your experiences and the evolving threats you face. Joining forces with alliance members for mutual defense can significantly strengthen your overall resilience.

The Research Center is a hub for unlocking advanced technologies that can provide significant advantages in various aspects of the game. Prioritize research that aligns with your strategic goals, focusing on areas such as troop enhancements, resource production, and settlement development.

Regularly check for new research options and plan your technology advancements to complement your overall gameplay strategy. Coordinate with alliance members to collectively benefit from shared research bonuses and stay ahead of the competition.

State of Survival is a dynamic and evolving game. Stay adaptable and be open to adjusting your strategies based on new challenges, updates, and the evolving meta. Learn from your experiences, both successes, and failures, and use them to refine your gameplay.

Engage with the State of Survival community, both in-game and on external platforms. Share your insights, seek advice, and stay informed about the latest developments. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to long-term success in the ever-changing landscape of the zombie war.

In conclusion, mastering the intricacies of State of Survival: Zombie War requires a combination of strategic thinking, resource management, and effective collaboration with other survivors. By honing your base-building skills, optimizing hero usage, and embracing a versatile approach to troop composition, you can navigate the challenges of the zombie-infested world and emerge as a formidable force in the State of Survival. Remember, adaptability and continuous learning are your greatest assets on the path to survival and dominance in this post-apocalyptic mobile gaming experience.
